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Wellness Gift Guide


Evidence Based

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It’s that time of the year again. The holiday season is here! For many, the festivities of the holiday season include the giving and receiving of gifts. If you’re looking for great gifts for your friends and family that focus on wellness and health, here’s a holiday wellness gift guide filled with ideas for everyone on your list.

Teas and Coffee

Have a tea or coffee drinker in the family? Teas and coffees are the perfect gift to promote overall health and wellness. These two beverages are powerhouses of health promotion.

From black to green, tea has been associated with a wide range of wellness benefits due to compounds like polyphenols and amino acids. In studies, polyphenols like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) have been shown to have powerful antioxidant properties, while the amino acid L-theanine has been linked to increased calm and improved immunity.

Studies also suggest that herbal teas may also pack a powerful wellness punch.

Since herbal teas don’t contain the leaves of the tea plant Camilla sinensis, they aren’t technically teas, but this doesn’t mean they lack potential health benefits. For example, studies show that hibiscus tea may help to reduce blood pressure in adults with a risk of developing high blood and in those with mild hypertension.

Research also shows that spearmint tea may help reduce male hormone levels and body hair in women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). One randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial that focused on the effects of spearmint tea on PCOS for 30 days found that females in the spearmint tea group had significantly lower testosterone levels than the non-intervention group. The study also found that the women in the spearmint group perceived a lessening of hirsutism.

While teas may be the most widely consumed beverage in the world, coffee isn’t far behind. Tracing its origin back to ancient Ethiopia, coffee has been linked to a variety of health benefits.

Studies show that coffee consumption may help prevent liver disease and type II diabetes. For example, two meta-analyses found that more than 2 cups of coffee per day was associated with lower development of scar tissue in the liver for those with pre-existing liver conditions.

Another systemic review and meta-analysis found that an intake of up to 6 cups of coffee per day was associated with a 33% lower risk of type II diabetes as opposed to no coffee consumption at all. This association was seen with both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee consumption.

Gifting your family and friends with deliciously healthy coffees and teas can be a generous wellness gift.

Skincare and Makeup

The holiday season is the perfect time to pamper those you love. One of the best ways to do that is through gifts that promote healthy glowing skin. Studies show that healthy skin is linked to a wide variety of wellness perks like a strong immune system and better self-esteem.

When choosing skincare and makeup as gifts for your loved ones, look for ingredients that promote healthy skin like collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes up approximately 30% of the proteins in the body. It helps support a firm and youthful appearance. With aging, collagen production decreases leading to wrinkles and fine lines.

Studies suggest that both topical and oral collagen may help improve the appearance of the skin. For example, one meta-analysis found that collagen use for 90 days helped improve skin appearance leading to fewer wrinkles and increased elasticity.

Adding skincare and makeup sets to your wellness gift-giving may be a sure way to put a smile on any beauty connoisseur’s face.

Bath Salts, Bombs, and Oils

Nothing says relaxation like a nice hot bath. Especially during the holiday season, when stress can be higher than normal. Why not give the gift of relaxation?

The world is increasingly becoming more stressful. With less time and increasing responsibilities, it can be a challenge to maintain healthy stress levels. Stress has been linked to a wide range of chronic diseases like depression and cardiovascular disease, higher levels of inflammation, and a poorer quality of life.

Bathing, especially immersion bathing, where one soaks in a hot (40°C or 104°F) bath for 10 minutes, has been linked to wide-ranging health benefits. One randomized controlled trial found that immersion bathing resulted in reduced stress, fatigue, and pain levels.

Bath salts and other bath additives may further help to alleviate stress while also providing a big wellness boost. For example, one placebo-controlled study focused on the effects of bath salts on atopic dry skin. The study found that skin soaked in water enriched with magnesium-rich bath salts resulted in less inflammation and smoother skin.

Another double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study focused on the effects of mineral-rich bath salts versus sodium chloride, or table salt for rheumatoid arthritis. The study intervention lasted for 2 weeks and found that the bath salts group had significantly less morning stiffness, increased hand grip strength, and improvement in activities of daily living.

Bath salts, bombs, and oils can be a great gift to boost wellness and a sense of serenity during and after the hectic holiday season.

Snacks and Treats

Who doesn’t love a good treat? It’s even better when the treat is healthy and wholesome. For the food lover on your holiday gift list, consider including high-quality chocolate in your wellness gift-giving.

Chocolate, whose origins hale from ancient Mesoamerica, has been consumed and enjoyed for centuries. Research indicates that chocolate may have a whole host of wellness perks.

One randomized placebo-controlled trial studied the effects of dark chocolate on mood in healthy adults. The study lasted for 3 weeks and found that consumption of 85% dark chocolate not only improved mood but also increased the diversity of the participants’ gut microbiome. This study suggested that dark chocolate may have a prebiotic effect. Prebiotics act as a food source for the good bacteria or probiotics that live in the gut.

Another randomized experimental study found eating chocolate, (no matter the type) before a person experienced pain, reduced the perception of the pain sensation in healthy adults.

During the holiday season, consider adding chocolates to your wellness gift-giving options. For those not fond of chocolate, there are plenty of healthy low-sugar snacks or snacks that use sugar substitutes like monk fruit to satisfy the sweet tooth.

Sports and Fitness Gifts

If you’re looking for great holiday gifts for the fitness fanatics in your life, consider a high-quality stainless steel water bottle. Stainless steel water bottles may have a variety of benefits for overall wellness and for the environment. For example, studies show that stainless steel water bottles had less microbial adhesion to their inner walls than plastic water bottles.

Studies also suggest that stainless steel water bottles may not leak bisphenol-A into the water within them. Bisphenol-A, widely known as BPA, is a chemical that is used to make resins and plastics. It can be found in the linings of canned foods, jar lids, and even some water bottles. BPA has been linked to health issues like PCOS, early onset puberty, and infertility in both males and females.

While certain countries have banned the use of BPA in infants’ food items, it can still be found in items intended for adult use.

One study compared the amount of BPA found in the water of different types of water bottles after allowing room-temperature water to sit in them for 120 hours. The study found no BPA levels in the water of stainless steel bottles, while higher levels were found in epoxy water bottles.

If your fitness-loving friends and family already have a high-quality water bottle, consider a gift like resistance bands, weights, or a yoga mat to help them meet their fitness goals.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great holiday gift for the wellness warrior in your life.

Used for millennia by cultures in ancient China and Egypt, essential oils are naturally concentrated oils extracted from plants. These oils are highly valued for their pleasant and powerful smells as well as other wellness properties.

Studies suggest that essential oils may have wide-ranging healthy properties like helping improve migraines to acting as antimicrobials. One randomized triple-blind study looked into the effects of topical basil essential oil on migraines. The study found that topical basil oil was able to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

Another test-tube study found that clove oil possessed powerful antibacterial activity against strains of bacteria that cause salmonella and impetigo.

From diffusing sweet-scented oils into the home or using them to freshen up a load of laundry, essential oils can be a thoughtful wellness gift.

Kids Gifts

The holiday season can be absolutely magical through the eyes of a child. Wellness gift-giving can be extended to children as well. Kids thrive on imaginative play, so include gifts that promote the imagination like bath toys. These gifts can help make bath time fun and cement healthy hygiene habits in your children.

Older kiddos may be more focused on individuality, so fun gifts like lip glosses or unique accessories can help them feel confident. Sensory toys are also amazing wellness gifts that may promote calm and give your children the safe stimulation they need.


The holiday season is a magical time filled with family, friends, food, and gifts. Choosing gifts that promote wellness may help make this holiday season merrier and healthier as well.


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